Grants History..historique des subventions

Philopolis 2023Montreal departments$2,000
Cosmology, Deleuze and Guattari conferenceLaurentian University$2,000
Big Data and the History and Philosophy of ScienceUniversity of Toronto$1,000
Rotman Dangerous Ideas SeminarsWestern University$300
Philosophy, History and Politics ConferenceThompson Rivers University$1,350
Philosophy Graduate Student ConferenceUniversity of Calgary$1,800
Epistemic Blame and Epistemic ReparationsBrandon University$1,000
Graduate and Post-Graduate ConferenceUniversity of Alberta$1,500
Philosophy of Logic, Mathematics, and Physics Graduate Student ConferenceWestern University$1,754
Human Dignity: Theory and PracticeMcGill University$1,000
Society for the Metaphysics of Science conferenceDalhousie University$2,000
Society for the Metaphysics of Science summer schoolDalhousie University$1,000
TMU Annual Philosophy Graduate ConferenceToronto Metropolitan U$500
Graduate Student ConferenceWestern$1,500
Philopolis MontrealSeveral Montreal unis$1,500
Philosophy of Logic, Mathematics, and Physics Graduate Student ConferenceWestern$1,500
The Geography of Taste: a workshopToronto$500
Thompson Rivers University Philosophy, History and Politics ConferenceThompson Rivers$1,650
Disagreement and PhilosophyRyerson$500
Graduate Student ConferenceCalgary$500
Graduate Student ConferenceAlberta$500
Graduate Student ConferenceOttawa$500
Graduate Student ConferenceWaterloo$500
Graduate Student ConferenceLethbridge$500
Graduate Student ConferenceConcordia$500
Graduate Student ConferenceYork$500
Philopolis4 Montreal universities$1,500
Reconstructing Reason: developing the concept of reason through historyToronto$500
Symposium du philosophie féministe - Deuxième éditionMontréal$500
Graduate Student ConferenceCalgary$500
Graduate Student ConferenceRyerson$500
Graduate Student ConferenceAlberta$500
Graduate Student ConferenceLethbridge$500
Graduate Student ConferenceYork$500
Graduate Student ConferenceUQAM$500
Graduate Student ConferenceOttawa$500
Iris Murdoch ConferenceQueen's$500
Symposium Philosophie FeministeLaval$500
The Equity CollectiveAlberta$500
Ancient and Medieval Philosophy -- Feminist perspectivesUQAM$500
Fillosophie annual conferenceUQAM$500
Graduate and Undergraduate Student ConferenceWindsor$500
Graduate Student ConferenceToronto$500
Graduate Student ConferenceWaterloo$500
Graduate Student ConferenceLethbridge$500
Graduate Student ConferenceUPEI$500
Graduate Student ConferenceUQAM Cog-Sci$500
Graduate Student ConferenceCalgary$500
LMPhysics ConferenceWestern$500
Philopolis4 Montreal universities$500
Graduate Student ConferenceAlberta$500
Graduate Student ConferenceCalgary$500
Graduate Student ConferenceGuelph$500
Graduate Student ConferenceSt Mary's$500
Graduate Student ConferenceMcMaster$500
Graduate Student ConferenceWindsor$500
Graduate Student ConferenceRyerson$500
Graduate Student ConferenceCarleton$500
Graduate Student ConferenceToronto$500
UQAM conference on cognitive scienceUQAM$500
UQAM undergraduate student group on women in philosophyUQM$500
8th Centre on Values and Ethics Graduate Ethics ConferenceCarleton$500
Faces of DisagreementMcGill/U de Montreal$2,000
Graduate Student ConferenceToronto$500
Graduate Student ConferenceCalgary$500
Graduate Student ConferenceAlberta$500
Graduate Student ConferenceWindsor$750
Graduate Student ConferenceRyerson$500
Greater Cascadia History and Philosophy of Science Collaboration EventSimon Fraser$1,500
Logic in Kant's wakeMcMaster$1,500
Ontario Legal Philosophy Partnership Annual GSCMcMaster$500
Philosophy of Logic, Mathematics, and Physics Graduate Student ConferenceWestern$750
Science and values in Peirce and DeweyWaterloo$1,500
The direction of moral duties: relational norms and relational justice workshop Simon Fraser$1,500
"In virtue of" explanationsVictoria$2,000
COVE Graduate Ethics ConferenceCarleton$1,500
Graduate Student ConferenceRyerson$1,475
Graduate Student ConferenceAlberta$750
Graduate Student ConferenceCalgary$1,340
Graduate Student ConferenceToronto$1,500
Hobbes and Spinoza in the 21st CentQueen's$2,000
Language at the InterfaceSimon Fraser$2,000
Aesthetics ConferenceOttawa$750
Canadian Colloquium for Ancient PhilosophyUBC$2,000
Centre on Values and Ethics Grad ConferenceCarleton$500
Graduate Student ConferenceRyerson$600
Graduate Student ConferenceAlberta$750
Graduate Student ConferenceCalgary$575
Graduate Student ConferenceWaterloo$750
Husserl WorkshopGuelph$2,000
Kant and his German ContemporariesWestern$2,000
Ontario Legal Philosophy Parnership Grad Conference in Legal TheoryMcMaster$700
Students for Critical Animal StudiesMcGill$750